Labor Union program on 29th May 2016



On 29th May 2016, Babeeni Company organized the 2016 Labor Union program and deployed the future working plan in Hai Duong. The individuals who come to join the program include directors, Union executive committees, workers and some office staffs.   

On 29th May 2016, Babeeni Company organized the 2016 Labor Union program and deployed the future working plan in Hai Duong. The individuals who come to join the program include directors, Union executive committees, workers and some office staffs.  

Before the Labor Union was established, the company had had social security activities. These activities are performed with the goals of helping workers to be stable in income. In specific, necessary government policies are adequately executed for the sake of employees, for example, social insurance, health insurance, social assistance and other similar policies.

When mentioning about Labor Union in general, President Obama said "If the combination of globalization and automation undermines the capacity of the ordinary worker and ordinary family to be able to support themselves, if employers are able to use these factors to weaken workers' voices and give them a take it or leave it deal ... then we're going to have problems".

Developing from the premises above, the Labor Union was created to focus on propaganda of important knowledge for labor force, improving working quality, enhancing the creation in working, seriously effectuating policies which are associated to labor force and legal policies of government. 

The ceremony was decorated in the hall. The stage was ornamented carefully. There were not too many guests. In the other words, the guest quantity was appropriate to the requirement and purpose of the ceremony. This could avoid the panache and prodigality of time. The costume of everybody was also polite and suitable for the ceremony.

The director and deputy director of Babeeni Company also came and took part in the ceremony.


At first, the MC notified about meaning and goal of the ceremony. Then she introduced delegates that consist of leaders of the local board. In general, delegates had good speeches even though these speeches were not too long.


At the ceremony, the Union executive committees deployed the working plan in 2016. On this occasion, they also conferred gifts and flowers for excellent workers.


After the ceremony, everyone was encouraged to sing.


One of the significant goals of the Labor Union is making its basis strong. Therefore, workers have to make a great effort to contribute to the development of the union. The propaganda about knowledge of gender is an appropriate method to practices of the Labor Union program. As a result, the ceremony was wonderfully successful.
