How to keep hand mocked dresses cleaning and looking new always (part 1)



When you got favorite hand smocked dresses for your little girl, surely you want them to be new always whenever your little angel dressing. Moreover, girls in infant and toddler age are also active and play around a lot like boys. Therefore, it’s not easy to keep brand new outfits away from dirt and fading, especially exquisite hand smocked ones. In this entry, I will suggest some tips for keeping little girls’ hand smocked dresses long-lasting, avoiding fading and looking like new. Let’s discover!


Understand about hand smocked dresses

What are your reasons for buying smocked dresses for your little girl? Because they are just beautiful simply or are there any others? For any reason, if you want to protect the clothes, you should at least have basic knowledge about them. The dresses you have bought belong to which style? Smocked bishop dress? Smocked A-line dress? or any other in various styles of smocked dresses? Moreover, beside beauty, hand smocked dresses are unique because of their hand embroidery characteristic. To keep the clothes looking like new after few times of using, it’s not only that you should save the clothes from fading, but have proper treat to smocked patterns also (Smocked patterns are considered as the most unique part of the girl dresses).


Need for pre-treating brand new smocked dresses

Many mothers might not pay much attention to pre-treating and normally skip this step. However, for brand new clothes in general and hand smocked dresses in particular, pre-treating plays an important role in protecting girl smocked clothes from fading and keep them new longer through using time afterwards. I will give you some experiences which have been shared to do pre-treating baby girls’ smocked dresses. First of all, put the new bought hand smocked dresses in a washing basin or wash tub filled with cold water. Pour three or four spoons of vinegar or natural coconut milk, soak the clothes and wait for a while. Those little tricks will keep the colors bright longer. Of course you can do pre-treating with just cool water only, but materials like vinegar or coconut milk are usually right in your kitchen and not hard to find. Therefore, it’s better if you know about this tip, isn’t it?


In short, I have been shared two points of view in the issue of how to keep hand smocked dresses cleaning and looking like new always. There are some other tips which will be revealed in the next part. Please keep following.


Thanks so much for reading.

