Some tips of teaching your kid to clean room



Many parents get a trouble on teaching their kids to clean room. In normally, mother has helped her babies in this task in a long time, making them dependent on her too much. This article intended to give some tips to solve this problem. These tips include dividing room and baby clothing, giving a limited help to your children, not being a martyr and using task-oriented consequences.


1) Divide room and baby clothing

For babies, it is hard to define what type of baby clothing or where to start cleaning room. Parents will have discussions with their kids to point out the difference between kinds of  clothes. To continue, if your child’s room is a complete wreck that you can barely walk around inside of it, it might be really helpful to divide the room into quadrants. Breaking a large task down into smaller pieces is helpful for any children. 

Kết quả hình ảnh cho classify baby clothing

It is hard for babies to define what type of baby clothing 

2) Give a limited help to your children

It is useful when parents spend 15-30 minutes in the room with your child, teach him to pick up clothes on the floor, inspect them, and then either put the clothes in the hamper or put them away. It’s very important for kids to know exactly what your expectations are. All helps should be finished here; children are going to practice all other tasks.

3) Do not be a martyr

That brings me to my next point about rooms: if your child is old enough to do it herself, don’t clean her room. Stepping in and cleaning your child’s room on your own actually works against you. It shows your child that you don’t think she can do it on her own and that if she drags her feet and resists you enough you will give in and do it yourself. It might even show her that she doesn’t really have to do what you say - that what you say isn’t what you mean. 

4) Use task-oriented consequences

A good way to hold your child accountable for doing some work on his room is to put a privilege on and hold until a certain part of the task is done. So if you decide that today all the clothes need to be picked up, the computer is on hold until that’s done. Then you work on something else tomorrow. Once your child does get the clothes for babies that are picked up, it can be helpful to set up a weekly expectation for cleaning.

Teaching children is never an easy task; it needs a lot of parents’ efforts. Therefore, some tips should be considered by parents.

Thanks for your reading!