Tips for selecting baby smocked clothings



Scientifically, the babies’ skin structure is completely different from the adults’ skin structure. That is why a baby’s skin requires different care and attentive clothes selection to reduce the skin allergy and issues. In this paper, we will give you more detailed information as well as characteristics about babies’ skin and tips for choosing the right smocked clothing for baby.

1. The baby’s skin structure

Understanding the structure and function of the skin will help us choose appropriate clothes for newborn babies. The skin is the largest organ of the body and its functions include (i) protecting the body from irritants, allergens, bacteria & ultraviolet (UV) light, (ii) regulating body temperature, (iii) experience the senses of touch, pain, temperature, (iv) removal of waste products through sweat , and (v) production of vitamin D.

Your baby’s skin is different from adult skin and continues to develop over the first year of life. The baby’s skin is 30% thinner compared to adult skin. Besides being less mature, the baby’s skin loses water faster, is more vulnerable to the environment and more sensitive to sunlight. The structure of the baby’s skin makes it more prone to irritation, infection and allergies compared to adults. Since baby’s skin is different from adults’ skin, an attentive care is required, especially when choosing baby’s clothes. 

2. Choose the Proper Fabric

The material baby clothes are made of should be strong and durable, but it must be safe as well. Polyester cotton blends are usually the best, but they can cause reactions in babies with sensitive skin. If your baby has sensitive skin, you will need to buy items made from natural materials. Having acknowledge the sensitivity of baby’s skin, many experts advise that the fabrics made for baby clothings should be cotton and soft materials to avoid any redness or rashes.

2. Avoid Tight Elastics

Tight clothes, particularly those with elastics or spandex, can be very uncomfortable for babies. Check elastics to make sure they are not too tight. Make sure there’s a lot of room because babies grow fast. When it comes to elastics, the more stretch the better. Zippers, seams and other features on clothes can cause babies discomfort by poking or even hurting their skin. So, when you shop for newborn baby clothes, feel the seams and check for bulges, sharp edges, etc. Try to buy clothes with as few seams as possible. While a plain outfit would be suitable for babies in Summer, a baby smocked grow could be an ideal for Winter.

3. Make sure it is simple to change a diaper

Most baby bodysuits and sleeps have snaps at the crotch. Steer clear of overalls for infants and similarly complicated items, unless they unfasten. Baby bodysuits with envelope folds at the neckline can be gently pulled down over your baby's body and removed if there is a diaper blowout.

In general, those above are the three core tips when choosing baby clothings. Nevertheless, there are some other tips you also need to take them into consideration. For instance,wash all items before wearing, do not dress the babies with anything that can easily cause choking hazards, including button, bow, ribbon, flowers.

Tina Babeeni

Tags: baby skin complicated best smocked clothing